The Foundation
Tallinn Children's Hospital Foundation is a charity foundation - the aim of which is to contribute to a child-friendly hospital and to provide the best possible medical care at the Tallinn Children's Hospital.
The Foundation has been awarded:
Best foundation of
the year by NENO
Award by
Best PR Prize of the Year
Mission Award by
Aadu Luukas Fund
Tallinn Children's Hospital is the largest children's hospital in Estonia. There are 173 hospital beds and 29 beds for day-care patients.
Nearly 12,000 children a year are treated here, approximately 400 of which are treated in the intensive care department. Nearly 6,000 children get surgery per year.
The number of staff of the Tallinn Children's Hospital is 797, 130 of them are doctors and 300 nurses.
Main costs are covered by the National Health Insurance Fund, but there is not enough money for purchasing all the necessary medicines and expensive equipment.

Our patron from 2007 is
Evelin Ilves
Evelin Ilves
At difficult times it is especially important to think how we can help those who need our support. The answer is simple: to hold together. Coherence also means - taking notice of your fellowmen.
Initiative and self-initiative are two keywords that will help us to make Estonia bigger. Bigger by caring and concern.